Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rant about Caffeine

So today, I got a box of those drink mix packets that you can add to water. Pretty normal, I guess.  It wasn't until I reached the checkout that I realized that they had CAFFEINE in them.  Caffeine.  In powdered drink mix. 

I know all about the power of caffeine.  It's in everything, really.  Chocolate, of course; coffee and tea (obviously), and apparently diet A&W as well.  In fact, it's really difficult to find a soda that actually doesn't have some form of caffeine in it (besides fruit-flavored sodas, really).  And I mean, I really do like caffeine, especially since I go to bed late and roll out of bed for my morning classes.  But I also wish that they told you how much caffeine was in each cup/serving/piece of food, and at what level that would affect you. 

For example, the other day I had a medium-sized coffee drink from Starbucks before class.  After class, I had a diet soda.  A little while afterwards, I was talking to a friend and my hands were shaking.  I was also talking amillionmilesaminutewithnobreaksinbetween, and well, the fact that I was talking fast might have had something to do with the fact that I'd had a crap day and was pretty upset (I got rejected for a job that I'd applied for from the group interview, plus just overwhelmingness), but still.  I wish I knew how much caffeine I could safely drink without becoming like I did that night - going into danger mode.  As for tea, I usually try to drink the herbal/fruity teas that don't have caffeine in them - I like them better anyway for the most part.

Anyway, that's something to talk about.  I've mostly just done a lot of homework today (Plato and Aristotle for my Lit Theory class; Latin translations; looking at a physics practice exam...) I'll try and find something to talk about tomorrow too.

1 comment:

  1. I don't seem to be effected by caffeine - it doesn't wake me up, nor keep me awake. *shrug*
