Thursday, February 16, 2012

Anyone ever played...

Telephone pictionary?  It's wonderful fun.  Tonight I went to someone's house and had dinner, and afterwards someone had the idea to play it.  Basically you write a sentence on a piece of paper and you pass it to the next person.  They try to draw it in only a minute, and then the next person has to write a sentence of what they think it is.  And so on and so forth, until you run out of people.

I started off with "A cat sat on the bearded man's hat" and ended with "Jeff was electrocuted to death while riding a dog." It was hilarious.  And one of my friends was perturbed when I wrote this sentence for her to draw: "Some people on a ship killed a mermaid and put her on a lifeboat out to sea."  It seriously looked like that, no joking.

That's all I have for tonight. I've been bad with being regular with posts, I know.  But I'm going to find things to write about/time to write about them...I will! :)